KEEN 2020 Annual Report

29 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology brings industry and community guest speakers in to inspire and engage students to continue in STEM fields. Rowan University provides students with access to an interdis- ciplinary community around innovation that is guided by an advisory council comprised of over 25 industry and entrepreneur- ial leader. Valparaiso University is developing a program to engage stu- dents with IEEE through a “student night.” Villanova University’s Innovate: The L3 Harris Summer Program exposes students to advanced real-world engineering challeng- es and fosters innovation and an entrepreneurial approach to problem solving. Lawrence Technological University received a How- ard Hughes Medical Institution grant to develop re- search-based courses to help students develop indepen- dent learning and research. Rowan University received two VentureWell grants to devel- op an experiential learning lab and fund teams as part of the junior/senior clinic sequence. The Ohio State University supports its Engineering Design Showcase course through industry-sponsored activities. Partners Alumni, Industry, and Community: Professional Societies and Associations: Foundations and Funders: Activities Community Funding 12 18 Advocacy Activity Highlights 21 Partners with 52 Activities ADVOCACY Partners Activities 15 22 Partners Activities 8 12