Archival Publication Authors Workshop for Engineering Educators

Turn your card (or other work) into a manuscript for journal submission!

This July, as part of the Archival Publication Authors Workshop for Engineering Educators (APA-ENG), ASEE will launch a 5-part manuscript publication workshop

Their goal: To prepare engineering faculty to craft a competitive Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) manuscript for journals and other publications. 

Plus: if you are an Engineering Unleashed card author, you're already halfway there.

APA-ENG + Engineering Unleashed Card Authors

APA-ENG workshop

Step 1 (Optional): View sessions from the kick-off workshop held in April.

Steps 2 & 3: That’s your published card - already done!

Step 4: Get a writing team together of 2-5 members.

Step 5: Submit your Letter of Intent. The submission period is now closed.

Additional Details

Wrapped in a collective entrepreneurial mindset, APA-ENG will provide writing labs, expert feedback, and review along with advice on how to navigate the process of journal selection and submission. 

And you’ll get five coaching sessions from mentors representing journals published around the world:

  • Australasian Journal of Engineering Education
  • Journal of Engineering Education
  • International Journal of Engineering Education
  • Journal of Mechanical Design
  • Journal of Engineering Education
  • Studies in Engineering Education
  • Advances in Engineering Education
  • Journal of Research in Science Teaching
  • And others

What Do You Receive if Accepted? 

Your Letter of Intent (LOI) is your application to attend the five workshops within APA-ENG. Each LOI will be reviewed and up to 100 authors will be selected. If selected, you will be able to: 

  1. Participate in 5 workshops focused on publication of your manuscript. 
  2. Receive direct feedback from journal editors that include Advances in Engineering Education, Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, and the Journal of Engineering Education. 
  3. Advice on how to navigate journal selection, submission, and review.
  4. Participate in a competitive mini-grant program.

Why It’s a Great Opportunity

At every stage of a faculty career, publishing in journals is key to career advancement and success – from earning promotion and tenure, to annual merit reviews, to national recognition.  

  • Are you a new faculty member? Publishing is key to earning promotion, tenure, and annual merit review.
  • Are you a junior faculty member? If you are tenure-track, to get credit for your KEEN innovations, you will need to publish in SoTL journals. If you are going up for full professor, you need to show national recognition. Journal publications are part of that package. 
  • Are you a senior faculty member? Even as a full professor, journal publications are an important part of your annual merit review and illustrate your continuing commitment to advance the field. 

APA-ENG can get you comfortable and confident with publishing in the area of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).