Mini-EML Adventures

Adaptable entrepreneurially minded learning

Sign up for a Mini-EML Adventure!

Mini-EML Adventures are 15-30 minute adaptable pieces of content around entrepreneurially minded learning (EML) that instructors can slot into their existing classes. 

The Kern Family Foundation is hosting instructors on its Waukesha, WI campus to brainstorm on and create these adventures.


Explore these adventures for 2023.

Airfare, lodging, and food will be covered during the meeting.

  • Mini-EML & Pre-Engineering - June 19-20, 2023. At capacity
  • Mini-EML & Mechanical Engineering - July 13-14, 2023. At capacity
  • Mini-EML & Mathematics - October 12-13, 2023. At capacity

When engineers understand why something matters and the impact it can make for them, it changes their relationship with the educational process.

EML seeks to connect classroom activities with the why's, how's, opportunities, and impacts that are inherent with each lesson an engineer must learn. Concise, adaptable examples of the entrepreneurial mindset make them easy to add to existing classes. 

The potential for impact is high. For example:

  • An adaptable mini-EML adventure is adopted by 5 instructors each teaching three sections of 30 students a semester. That one example will be responsible for improving 900 student experiences each year. Over the course of a decade, that's 9,000 students impacted. 
  • Now think what happens when 50 instructors adopt a mini-EML adventure: Over the course of a decade, that one idea would impact 90,000 students!

Questions? Contact Ranen McLanahan.