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Updated: 9/7/2018 1:30 PM
While evangelizing the entrepreneurial mindset (EM) falls mostly to curricular and co-curricular efforts, EM does provide a framework for venture development at ASU, particularly through Venture Devils, which supports all ASU student, faculty, staff, and community-based entrepreneurs. Venture Devils was created in 2016, coincidentally launching at same time that ASU initially became involved with KEEN. This card is a companion to the the All In: Venture Devils case study available on the EM @ ASU website. Supporting resources discussed in and otherwise relevant to the case study can be found in the folder(s) below. Likewise, this card is where the community can discuss the case and its broader topic of the connection of EM and student funding opportunities.Case Study SynopsisFunctioning as a meta-cohort for practicing entrepreneurs, Venture Devils is for all types of ventures at any developmental stage (e.g., pre-revenue, in revenue, capitalized, etc.) and is designed to streamline access to mentorship, funding, and workspace. More specifically, the program aims to catalyze the entrepreneurial success of venture founders by connecting them with Venture Mentors who provide regular, ongoing support. Throughout 2017, while exploring ways to increase integration of EM, ASU also undertook a major redesign of its venture funding model, transforming it from having siloed funding sources to having integrated funding tracks, making the model easier to understand, even intuitive.About the EM @ ASU Case StudiesThe EM @ ASU website's 20-plus case studies tell the story of FSE's multi-year initiative to more fully and deeply integrate EM/EML throughout its curricular and co-curricular programs. The cases are organized into four main categories, and relationships between the cases are highlighted to illustrate the initiative's scope and resulting ecosystem. The cases have a consistent structure comprising a "Case at a Glance" box and the following sections: Context, Integration Details, Integration Outcomes, Future Plans, and Considerations. Some cases include video commentaries, and each case is available as a downloadable PDF.
DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsArizona State University
ByCheryl Li, Jean Nocito Gobel, Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, Nadiye Erdil, Ronald Harichandran
Updated: 10/12/2021 9:33 AM
Watch an overview video of this module! The entrepreneurial mindset focuses on value creation, and the qualities and characteristics associated with identifying unexpected opportunities to create value. This is not a new concept, as throughout history many famous individuals devoted their lives to developing inventions, many of which create value. The module “Role of Product in Value Creation” helps the student to investigate the total product concept, one that introduces a contrarian view the student may not have thought about previously. As part of this concept it is important to keep in mind for whom the products are designed, the consumer. Finally, it is important to go beyond the product to better understand the concept of value.The module “Role of Product in Value Creation” is designed as a self-contained interactive module to help students learn how changing business environments can negatively impact a company and what strategies can be used to adapt to the new conditions.The module is divided into four lessons: 1. Product3: The Total Product Concept, Analyzing Product Success;2. Failure with the Product Concept; 3. Understanding Value Creation with the Value Proposition Canvas;4. Understanding Customers.
DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsUniversity of New Haven | Merrimack College
ByAnneliese Watt, Jay McCormack, Patsy Brackin, Richard House
Updated: 5/24/2018 5:52 AM
The assignments described on this card were created and deployed as part of developing a new Engineering Design Program at Rose-Hulman. Engineering Design was approved as a major in Spring 2018, to be offered beginning in Fall 2018. The major features interdisciplinary Design Studios in every quarter of the first two years. In addition, the first year of Engineering Design Studios has been adopted as part of the freshman curriculum for Biomedical Engineering majors. (All BE majors are taking this curriculum for at least 2017-2019.) Please see the card "Engineering Design Studios for First-Year Students" by Patsy Brackin et al. The author of this card, Anneliese Watt, is a rhetoric specialist in this interdisciplinary program, and will focus on a couple of KEEN-associated assignments used in our first-year curriculum.One simple assignment we used throughout the first-year studios is reflective writing on the 3Cs. We directly taught students about the 3Cs by showing them the descriptions of the entrepreneurial mindset and each C on the engineeringunleashed webpage. Then, at regular time intervals (such as every two weeks), or after particular individual or team assignments, students were asked to write a 3-5 paragraph essay directly addressing how Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value figured into or were evoked by their work on that project or in that time period. (The prompt was that simple.) it turns out students are able to see all three elements each time they were asked to reflect. We were pleased to discover that these reflective writings not only led students to see how the assignments created an entrepreneurial mindset, but also led, we believe, to greater appreciation of the assignments, projects, and course activities in general.Studio 1 also featured the elevator pitch module authored by Julia Williams and Ella Ingram for KEEN. Watt attended the workshop hosted by The University of New Haven, and then we plugged the module into our Moodle course. Students were required to complete the module in the early stages of a design project for a non-profit client. Based on what they learned in the module, students developed and delivered pitches for adapted toy designs that they proposed designing and building for the client, These pitches were part of an Innovation Tournament: students gave initial pitches; a subset of pitches were selected as semi-finalists and students reflected on any failure and the nature of their first pitch experience; students presented the revised semi-finalist pitches now in pairs; and final selections were made, setting up the remainder of the project. The audience for the pitches included key stakeholders from the client organization as well as our class members. I've featured the rhetorical triangle as the image for this card, because understanding the conventions of the genre (elevator pitch) as well as audience needs and context were keys to successful pitches.
DisciplinesArts & Sciences | Biomedical Engineering | Engineering Education | General Engineering | Technical Communications InstitutionsRose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech and Emory University’s Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering is infusing within their core courses a story-driven learning curriculum that helps students’ build their entrepreneurial mindset.  As part of this new program, we've created and piloted a new junior-level course entitled “The Art of Telling Your Story”.  In this workshop, Joe Le Doux, the department’s Associate Chair for Learning and Experience, and Janece Shaffer, an award winning playwright and StoryReady Founder present elements of Shaffer’s interactive storytelling curriculum which is now integrated into Georgia Tech’s biomedical engineering required curriculum. Like the Georgia Tech students, the workshop participants will learn basic strategies to craft dynamic and memorable narratives along with the must-haves of impactful storytelling such as compelling specificity and inspiring transformation. Within 30 minutes, participants will put these strategies into action by creating their own stories, sharing them in small groups and then raising their storytelling game through aha-filled, group coaching. Participants will learn why details make stories “sticky” and how a “see it, see it, feel it” strategy builds emotion and connection.  The workshop will emphasize how stories can inspire and illuminate the process by which engineers create value. Workshop attendees will leave the workshop with a draft of their own story.  They will also receive a booklet that describes The Coulter Department’s story-driven entrepreneurial mindset learning program, the junior-level storytelling course’s syllabus and story prompts, Shaffer’s tips for how to amp up stories, a rubric for evaluating stories, and a tip sheet for how to run a stories workshop.  Example student stories may also be provided.
DisciplinesArts & Sciences InstitutionsGeorgia Institute of Technology
Updated: 10/14/2022 12:50 PM
Reviewed: 10/17/2022 8:17 AM
This project is described in a presentation at ASEE 2020 "Best of First-Year Programs Division" session.Background and IntroductionHands-on team-based open-ended design projects in freshman engineering courses have been shown to significantly improve student retention due to the benefits of active hands-on learning, self-directed acquisition of knowledge, development of skills and confidence necessary to succeed in engineering and a growing sense of community. Open-ended design projects can range from highly structured to theme-based to free choice. Combining entrepreneurial thinking and maker technology, student-driven free-choice open-ended design projects allow students to generate their own idea, take ownership of their design project, and results in significant gains in creativity and entrepreneurial intentions. This card describes a free-choice open-ended design project that supports student autonomy, one of the three basic psychological needs from self-determination theory (SDT). SDT postulates that individuals will adopt more internalized/autonomous forms of motivations, resulting in more optimal learning outcomes, when three basic psychological needs are satisfied: autonomy, a sense of choice and control; relatedness, a sense of positive and supportive connections to others; and competence, a sense of mastery and self-efficacy. The introduction to engineering course is a freshman level 2-credit 15-week lecture and lab course consisting of a 50-minute lecture and a 2-hour 50-minute lab each week. Most students enroll in this course during their first semester in college. The course aims to provide students with an introduction to engineering, introduces the broad topics of the engineering design process, engineering modeling and drawing, teamwork, technical communication, project management and an entrepreneurial mindset. In addition, technical knowledge such as computer-aided design including 3D printing and programming a microcontroller is introduced to help students with their two multidisciplinary design projects, i.e., a well-defined project during the first half of the semester (See Card "Project: Autonomous Mail Delivery System") and an open-ended project during the second half. The course is a required course for students majoring in aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Project Description and ImplementationThis card provides all of the materials needed to implement a nine-week long team-based open-ended multi-disciplinary design project in an introduction to engineering course. Students, in teams of four, work on their project in class during lecture and lab for nine weeks. There are two lecture periods dedicated to introduce the project before students work on the project during the labs. The project description and grading are in the "Project Description" folder. The project uses the following "theme" statement: "Design an automated solution for a space such as a home, campus building including dorm, office, retail, restaurant, hospital, library, and factory. Your design should add value in an economic, environmental, and/or societal sense. For example, your design might help reduce costs, increase efficiency, reduce pollution/waste, and/or improve accessibility, among other things. Your design must incorporate an Arduino or other microcontroller." Research results from SDT (See paper in the "Publications" folder) showed that, compared to other project definitions which further place constraints on scope and materials, this autonomy-supportive version of the project statement results in more positive student motivational responses. Another interesting finding from the research suggests that the provision of more choice and control seems to have a more dramatic positive impact on women compared to men. The schedule of the project is shown below along with brief descriptions: Week 1 (Lecture 1): Pain Point Investigation and Information Collection (worksheet, group discussion)Week 2 (Lecture 2): Information Synthesis and Opportunity Identification (worksheet, group discussion) Week 3 (Lab 1): Problem Definition, Brainstorming and Solution Prototyping (worksheet, group discussion, hands-on building) Week 4 (Lab 2): Design Decision and Project Management (worksheet, group discussion) Week 5 (Lab 3): Proposal Presentation (oral presentation) Week 6/7/8 (Lab 4/5/6): Prototype Construction & Testing (hands-on building) Week 9 (Lab 7): Final Presentation and prototype demonstration (video, oral presentation and demo) The two lectures help students identify pain points, and collect and synthesize information. Ideally, they should be given at least two weeks before the start of the project so that students have plenty of time to decide which project to work on. The worksheets used in the two lectures are in the "Lecture Worksheets" folder. Lab 1 and Lab 2 give students the opportunity to go through the engineering design process: define the problem, gather information, generate alternative concepts, evaluate the alternatives, select the most promising concept, plan and manage the project. The problem definition and planning documents used are in the "Supplemental Lab Materials" folder. During the three project construction labs, a lab agenda is used to help students track their progress. It is in the "Supplemental Lab Materials" folder. Students are asked to complete a business model canvas for their project (assigned during the second construction lab, instructions and template are in the "Supplemental Lab Materials" folder). They are also asked to write a testing plan for their prototype (assigned during the last construction lab, instructions and template in the "Supplemental Lab Materials" folder). Students have to submit five project deliverables. Instructions, due dates and grading rubrics are in the "Project Deliverables" folder. Evaluation and Future WorkIn the SDT research conducted, for every week of the nine-week project, students were given a Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) survey, which is an instrument to measure different types of motivations on a continuum ranging from autonomous (internal) to controlled (external) motivations. This continuum includes intrinsic motivation, a deeply internalized state of engagement based on interest, enjoyment, satisfaction and passion; identified regulation, a state in which actions are based on an internal sense of self and perceived value, importance, or usefulness of a task; external regulation, a state of compliance with external pressure, prompted by contingent reward or punishment avoidance, and amotivation, state of impersonal or non-intentional action due to learners finding no value and no desirable outcomes in a learning activity. This survey provides useful diagnostic information and practical insights into course design to support more positive forms of student motivational responses. The survey reveals, for example, that the open-ended design project focusing on automation described in this card seems to result in higher external motivation signals and lower internal motivation signals for chemical engineering students. How to come up with remedies to reach this population is an urgent next step in the project design. The weekly motivation survey also shows a dip in positive motivations during Week 2. How to modify the activity to better support positive student motivation is another future improvement. Furthermore, given that the SIMS profile from this project shows both higher average amotivation and external regulation values compared to the “truly autonomous” motivation profile, identifying strategies to further motivate students to adopt more positive forms of motivation is one more important future work. A Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale (BNSS) survey was given at the end of the semester, which measures the degree to which three basic psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness and competence are satisfied. Survey results show that competency may play a role in shaping the motivational responses of students. Therefore, if you do plan to implement an open-ended automation project like the one described in this card, make sure to give students a tutorial and sufficient practice on Arduino, sensors and actuators to make students feel confident in their ability to completing the project. Tutorial and examples on using Arduino, sensors and motors can be found in the Card "Project: Autonomous Mail Delivery System". Both the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) survey and the Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale (BNSS) survey can be found in the "Surveys" folder.
TagsM&M - August - 2019 | EUFD 2019 CategoriesCampus & Outreach | Classroom & Courses DisciplinesAll Engineering Disciplines InstitutionsArizona State University
ByCara Poor, Jeffrey Welch
Updated: 5/30/2019 1:38 PM
This module was designed for a junior level civil engineering course focused on environmental engineering. The module sought to increase students' curiosity as they explored the impacts of algal blooms and low oxygen levels in rivers. It then asked students to make connections across conent as students used the Streetor-Phelps Equation to develop oxygen sag curves and determine the minimum oxygen levels in the river. Students also analyzed possible solutions to low oxygen levels, and recommended a solution based on information they collected. This activity was completed during one 85-minute class period. Students completed the memo summarizing their findings outside of class, and reported back during the first 10 minutes of the following class. The module used local river and water issues to help students connect the course topics with real-world problems. The activity also supports the 3Cs by scaffolding the information gathering process about algal blooms in a way that helps students reflect on the solution process.
DisciplinesEnvironmental Engineering InstitutionsUniversity of Portland
ByJeff Kleim, Kristen Peña, Layla Reitmeier
Updated: 9/24/2018 5:45 PM
A series of lectures and labs were created for the first half of our freshmen BME100 (Introduction to Biomedical Engineering) class to incorporate EM into the curricula. In this 4 lab series the students were required to identify an unmet health care issue, develop a device or technology to address the issue, create a virtual prototype, design an experiment to validate the device/technology and finally to pitch the idea to a group of potential investors from the local community (“Spark Tank”). The students were first randomly assigned to groups of 4-5 students to allow them to learn to work with new people having various personalities. They were also asked to assess each others performance as part of the grade. Prior to lab 1 they received a lecture on fundability and how to identify a problem worth solving. In Lab 1 the group first identified a health care need, researched the current patent state of their idea, proposed a plan for customer validation. In Lab 2 they learned to create technical drawings using various prototyping software in order to virtually prototype their device/technology. They were also required to perform a market analysis given what it would cost to create their device/technology. In Lab 3 they designed an experiment to validate their device and were also asked to validate an existing personal fitness device as a way to understand the process of validation. In Lab 4 they created a 5 minute presentation (“elevator pitch”) to propose their idea to potential investors. This was initially done in class and the students voted on the best 4 projects. These four then advanced to present to actual entrepreneurs from the industry community in our “Spark Tank” competition.
DisciplinesBiomedical Engineering InstitutionsArizona State University
Updated: 5/6/2020 1:55 PM
In the context of a 2000- level Cell Biology course for majors and non-majors alike, students use primary literature to become scientific ‘super heroes’ – righting scientific misinformation and misconceptions to inform and persuade their peers (and hypothetical benefactor) to support the scientific literacy behind their cause. This is the final project in a one-term course. This project fosters curiosity and promotes connections by challenging students to identify an area of interest (ethics, social policy, health, environment, etc) that would benefit from increased clarity of an underlying cell biological process, to research what is known/not known about the science, and present their findings as an infographic to inform and enhance scientific literacy around their chosen interest. In addition to standard cell biology textbook material, the project follows introductory exercises to primary literature (how to find, read, and distill the information in a primary research article are skillsets that should be introduced prior to or concurrent with this assignment) and related small workshops to promote discussion around the applications of cell biology. Initial in-class brainstorming or one-on-one guidance is provided to help the students identify a topic/cell biology concept combo, and the remainder of the project is completed outside of class over a 3-4 week period. Each submitted infographic is shared with the class, who provides structured feedback as part of their course participation – creating value for both the presenters and the viewers. The project has been successful both as an independent or group activity. Although this was delivered in a cell biology class, this project could be easily adapted to other courses that seek to have students appreciate and utilize primary research to inform their ‘daily lives’ or alternatively, to investigate a more refined subject-specific topic. If you use this or a similar approach in your class, please let me know in the comments what worked/didn’t work for you.
DisciplinesArts & Sciences InstitutionsWorcester Polytechnic Institute
Updated: 1/9/2020 12:52 PM
There are incredible opportunities for entrepreneurially minded Faculty at ASEE. The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is a global society of individual, institutional, and corporate members founded in 1893. ASEE as an organization and its members have been at the forefront of fostering significant advances in the content, delivery, and practice of engineering and engineering technology instruction. Collaboration with Engineering Unleashed allows ASEE to pursue those aspects of its mission relevant to advancing innovation in education. There are many opportunities for Faculty to practice the three C's of Mindset and build their Complementary Skills at ASEE. Think of these as experiential learning or problem based learning opportunities for professors!   A professor's role focuses on creating value for students and society through their academic tripartite mission of Teaching - Scholarship- and Service. Arguably, the most important of these is teaching students. To do this well, professors must model the learning outcomes that they expect to teach their students. ASEE offers many venues for Faculty to practice what they preach with regards to the entrepreneurial mindset through demonstrating curiosity about curricula and delivery, integrating information gained from connections with other faculty and organizations to gain insights, and identifying unexpected opportunities for creating academic value for their students.   When it comes to building complementary skills-remember you don't have to be bad to get better-Faculty can take advantage of the opportunity to share a curricular model or project prototype that they created to validate their ideas with their peers and they can also actively analyze the solutions of other Faculty. Networking at ASEE is a great way to make connections and build teams. Faculty can take their communication skills to the next level of excellence by creating a poster or presenting their work at one of the many conferences and divisions, some of which specifically address economic and societal impact. These are only a few specific examples of how Faculty can utilize ASEE's many opportunities to practice their entrepreneurial mindset.  ASEE is devoted to Faculty innovation and to fostering significant advancement in content, delivery and practice in engineering and engineering technology.  Share your thoughts in the comments below. What opportunity is best for you?
DisciplinesEngineering Education InstitutionsAmerican Society for Engineering Education
NOTE: This is a work-in-progress. Plans to implement in Summer 2020. Context: This Outreach project is conducted in a weeklong summer camp for high school students (sophomore through senior) in which students are introduced to maker technologies, engage in hands-on prototyping activities, and work with a local non-profit helping people with multiple severe disabilities to design and build a working prototype to solve a real-world problem that will create value for the non-profit customer. Description:  This project was inspired by three KEEN-related activities. First, a component of our last KEEN grant was dedicated to the development and institutionalization of a multidisciplinary sophomore experience utilizing the principles of a project-based studio environment to instill an enterprising attitude in our students as a key component of entrepreneurially minded learning. This led to the Entrepreneurial Engineering Design Studio which was fully implemented in Fall 2016. The Entrepreneurial Engineering Design Studio emphasizes creating solutions through team based projects utilizing engineering tools and skills, along with opportunity identification, ideation, value analysis, and customer engagement. For more information on this course see #Building Solutions for Real Customers. Second, the sophomore studio partners with a local non-profit to serve as real customers for our students. By providing a real world customer with a disability, students are able to see directly the impact that their project can have on improving someone’s life.  At a Service Learning Workshop at Arizona State University, exploring other avenues to expand this service learning on our campus beyond the sophomore studio, particularly in Outreach activities, can build empathy in these future STEM professionals. Also, in the context of the summer camp activities, working on authentic projects where students are able to see customers using their designs can be very motivating and rewarding. Third, by exposing high schoolers, specifically those under-represented students, to current maker technologies in a setting where they are able to gain hands-on experience with these rapid prototyping technologies may serve to inspire this ‘maker mentality’ either in their future studies or in their hobbies or interests. At the B-Fab workshop at Bucknell University, attendees learn to use laser cutting, 3D printing, soldering, and Arduino microcontrollers in a 3-day hands-on project. Teaching these techniques to high schoolers can also serve to foster curiosity in the endless ‘making’ possibilities. Brief Description of Activities: Day 1 – Accessibility Simulation Exercises and Customer Discovery Day 2 – Laser Cutting and 3D Printing, Patent Searching, Ideation Day 3 – Concept Selection and Prototype Design Day 4 – Prototype Building Day 5 - Prototype Building and Customer Testing Assessment: To assess the effectiveness in fostering both an enthusiasm for STEM, empathy in design, and building the entrepreneurial mindset in the camp attendees, a Google survey will be used to collect and gather feedback.
DisciplinesGeneral Engineering InstitutionsLawrence Technological University
Updated: 4/21/2018 11:38 AM
University of Detroit Mercy developed a series of 16 technical entrepreneurship case studies. Each case study includes an introduction handout for students and a series of videos. This specific case study highlights OnSite ERT, a startup that provides tracking and monitoring of first responders at incident scenes such as fires and accidents. These case studies are intended to enhance student understanding of how technical concepts can be developed into new businesses. At UDM, this case about software development has been embedded in an introductory computer science course. The possible technical courses that could benefit from this case study are in the areas of computer science, software development, or geographic information systems. This case study activity includes a presentation and video clips that fit into one 50-minute course. It could be used in a class of any size. The concept of using case studies to expose students to technical entrepreneurship can be applied in any discipline. Other case studies can be found at http://weaverjm.faculty.udmercy.edu/udmkeencases.html.
DisciplinesComputer Science InstitutionsUniversity of Detroit Mercy
Updated: 12/5/2023 10:45 AM
This is the first project of the four-five lab experiments based on the Texas Instruments Tiva C workshop to teach basic programming and debugging skills with embedded microcontrollers (MCU). This project in particular covers Lab 1-3 of the 15 labs provided by the TM4C123GX workshop (http://www.ti.com/TM4C123G-Launchpad-Workshop), covering the introduction to the Launchpad, Code Composer Studio, GPIO, and timer interrupt. This card expands the original lab tasks and provides thought-provoking questions that students have to answer in their lab reports. This card also provides detailed tips, grading rubrics, and team effort form for instructors.
DisciplinesElectrical & Computer Engineering InstitutionsLehigh University
ByKim Roddis
Updated: 8/15/2019 11:11 AM
Shortly before I went to Lawrence, KS this summer, a tornado swept through just south of town. The photo shows a road sign that collapsed due to the wind force. The steel wide flange sections supporting the sign failed (LTB) under the lateral wind load. As a homework problem, ask students to find the failure load for the sign. What alternatives could have been used?
DisciplinesCivil Engineering InstitutionsOther
Updated: 7/9/2019 9:07 PM
This card is created for Software Engineering course at junior or senior level. Software Engineering course covers software development processes, project planning, system design, system implementation, system testing, and system evaluation. Besides learning the knowledge in the classes, it is important to have students practice the knowledge through hands-on projects. In addition, entrepreneurial mindset should be introduced to the students during the lectures and the practical projects since it is required for the future employment. In this card, five mini modules were created and implemented in the Fall 2018 semester. Course contents covered include Essential attributes of good software, System Requirements, System Modeling, Architecture Design, and Project Planning. Students were required to create a bookstore website including the front-end and back-end for our university as the practical project. Through the lectures and practical project assignments, active learning, project-based learning, and entrepreneurial mindset were addressed. The connections to the entrepreneurial mindset student outcomes are shown in the mini modules.
DisciplinesComputer Science | Electrical & Computer Engineering InstitutionsMcNeese State University
Updated: 4/3/2019 10:39 AM
Scenario: Your family is worried about increasing electricity bill from year to year, and they wanted to see if including solar panels might help to reduce their energy bill. As an electrical engineering student you are ready to evaluate your home needs and find the size of the energy system your family need, and how much it is going to cost them to install the solar panels. Estimate  the payback period of the system.
DisciplinesElectrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering Science/Physics InstitutionsWichita State University
Updated: 2/15/2024 7:49 AM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 3:05 PM
This project describes a board game that was developed to teach first-year engineering students about concepts associated with an entrepreneurial mindset. It was implemented at Rowan University in a class of 36 students. Students play in groups of 4-5 students with the goal of moving their game piece to the center of the game board by going through 4 stages of an entrepreneur’s journey — “brainstorming stage,” “prototype stage,” “market stage,” and “sales stage.” As they move their game piece through each stage, the teams are asked questions about engineering curriculum knowledge, resources on campus, and legal/ethical issues. They are also presented with risk/reward cards where they have to decide how many of their existing points they would like to wager on an entrepreneurial related scenario. In the implementation of the board game at Rowan, students played the game for about 30-40 minutes of class time followed by a group discussion using a Recall, Summarize, Question, Comment, Critique worksheet (RSQCC). This worksheet allows students to dive a bit further into their experience and really connect back between the game and the material being covered in class as part of entrepreneurial mindset instruction. This board game helps students be less intimidated with business related concepts that they might otherwise avoid as part of their engineering degree program. Any faculty member that is looking for a different and novel approach for introducing concepts associated with an entrepreneurial mindset can use this board game.
Tagsfirst year CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesGeneral Engineering InstitutionsRowan University | Colorado Christian University
To become an editor for this CardDeck, please comment directly on this card.If you want to add your cards to this deck, please also leave a comment directly on this card. ** Often non-chemical engineers working on design projects need to learn how to create process flowsheets and piping and instrumentation diagrams without ever having learned how to do so. At some universities, chemical engineering students get to senior plant design without having put together a flowsheet, let alone a P&ID, of significant complexity. This card is meant to both introduce faculty and students on how to construct flowsheets and P&ID's, but also compile resources related to them.At Florida Tech, we split up our Introduction to Chemical Engineering sequence into two credits in the first semester (CHE1101f2019.doc for syllabus) and one credit in the second semester. This card focuses on the first semester course.The process flowsheeting instruction consists of a series of lecture content and homework problems as follows, mostly taken from Chapter 4 of the 3rd edition of Richard Felder and Ronald Rousseau's textbook (ref. 1) as excerpted in felderflowsheetproblems.tif and che1101hwf18.doc. Students are told NOT to do any mass balance calculations, as that is covered in our sophomore sequence. All files referred to in the Description section are in the Introduction to Chemical Process Engineering 1 folder below. The files questionsandissueskeenbrennerv4.ppt and brennerquestionsandissues.wmv contain a presentation from the 2017 KEEN National Conference on the entire process engineering course. The EML content in the course is summarized on slides 5-7, including a EM-rich exercise described on a separate card called a questions and issues sheet:https://engineeringunleashed.com/cards/card.aspx?CardGuid=4a1a8002-b6f9-4cb1-9d52-61410f4d7217HW 3: the figure on page 1 and Problem 4.37 on page 2 of felderflowsheetproblems.tif (This problem is geared to introduce students to PowerPoint. The first two HW's do not involve process flowsheets.)HW 4: Problem 4.29a on page 4 of felderflowsheetproblems.tif (a benzene-toluene-xylene separation sequence) meant to get students to learn how to translate a chemical engineering word problem into a process flowsheet.HW 5: Reaction of ethanol to acetaldehyde and hydrogen (in CHE1101f2019.doc). This problem statement does not result purely in either salable products or waste streams that are safe to dispose, so students are challenged in class to add to the problem enough to remedy that situation. HW 6: Problem 4.29 of felderflowsheetproblems.tif is a much longer drug purification problem that introduces additional unit operations such as filters and extractors.HW 7: Problem 4.52 of felderflowsheetproblems.tif involves the conversion of calcium fluorite ore to HF, but leaves out many steps. If students solve the problem as written, then exiting the reactor are two liquids, one vapor, and four solids. I encourage students to consider prepurifying the ore to eliminate a series reaction that consumes the valuable HF product. By doing so, there are only two solids instead of four.Students then have a take home exam that combines these skills An example of the take home exam (cipro2.zip) is for the synthesis of ciprofloxacin, a broad spectrum antibiotic, mass produced in response to the anthrax scare of 2001.Students then choose topics for their end of semester freshman chemical engineering (ChE) design projects from one of 20+ categories within chemical engineering and related areas, as listed in topicselectionf15.xls. The number and letter combinations (ex. 1B) tell students to look at the second project described on p. 1 of projects2015.pdf compiled by clipping the two pages of ChE plants discussed in each week's issue of Chemical and Engineering News The file topicselectionsf15v1.doc contains the wide variety of projects selected. Slides 8-10 of the aforementioned questionsandissueskeenbrennerv4.ppt presentation file describe how the instructor manages the projects, and slides 14-18 contain a student group example of the EML-rich content for the projects prior to the flowsheets. Students work with the instructor to dig through the relevant journal and/or patent literature. The instructor uses a patent written by Sessa et al. (ref. 4) for Florida Syngas, but the primary inventor was co-author Albin Czernichowski, so a Google patent search with his name is performed. Dr. Czernichowski (rightmost person in the photo in slide 1 of floridasyngas.pptx; ref. 5) invented plasma arc technology in Cold War Poland at age 19 in 1959, but didn’t make money on it until 2007-2008 with Florida Syngas because he wanted to protect his intellectual property from Communists. The instructor's job with Florida Syngas was to develop flowsheets for and build a prototype of the animal waste to syngas process on slide 6 and the orange peel and/or glycerol waste for Tropicana on slide 7. Slide 6 is typical of what students are able to do after the freshman course, and slide 7 is typical of an end product from a senior plant design. Slides 2 through 5 of floridasyngas.pptx are illustrative of where EML can be put into a chemical process engineering design project. The key technology for Florida Syngas was Dr. Czernichowski's plasma arc reactor technology shown in Slide 2. The GlidArc plasma arc reactor technology was the embodiment of Mr. Fusion from the “Back to the Future” 1 and 2 movies (ref. 3). GlidArc could process the banana peel and the alcohol, but didn’t have the environmental complications of gasifying the metal can, providing Florida Syngas a competitive advantage. Moreover, like Mr. Fusion, the GlidArc technology could process almost any hydrocarbon source as shown on slide 3. Converting such hydrocarbons to biofuel was a breakeven business, but Florida Syngas made 20% profits when converting some wastes, particularly municipal solid waste, to chemicals because the capital cost of the "plant" was so small. The entire "plant" would be built and sent to the customers' sites on U-Haul trucks. The biggest pain points for biomass to chemicals plants are a) the seasonal nature of the feedstock supply (as compared to oil refineries lasting many decades), b) the typically 8-10% of glycerol "waste" at most biorefineries, and c) the supply chain advantages for oil refineries (Every product has an established market.). By converting the glycerol or other biomass waste into valuable chemicals such as urea (slides 3-5), we could create value for our customers while also assuaging any environmental guilt that they might have. In their end-of-semester project presentations, students are expected to discuss an introduction and motivation for their process or product, define the business case, summarize the key questions and issues surrounding its development, construct a process flowsheet, and address any safety and environmental issues associated with the product and/or process. These are summarized in slides 14-18 of questionsandissuesheetv4.ppt and in TALK.ppt..The remaining files in the Introduction to Chemical Process Engineering 1 folder below.are primarily rubrics, but there can be adjustment to group grades based on peer evaluations using the Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) rubric (BARSform.doc and Objectives and Assessment of CHE 1101 Group Project.doc based on ref. 2).Pages 8-16 of week14thebasicsofmaking.pdf summarizes much of the remaining freshman process design content that is presented in our junior/senior/grad student multidisciplinary Basics of Making course. Page 8 focuses on conceptual design of process flowsheets, Pages 9-14 include lecture content on mass flow controllers, thermocouples, pressure transducers, valves, relief valves, and rupture disks, before considering safety and other constraints. Page 15 is a piping and instrumentation diagram of my hydrogen research lab setup. The instructor asks students in class to move hydrogen from storage bed 1 to storage bed 2 while both measuring and controlling temperature, pressure, and mass flow rate. The solution to this maze problem is on page 16. Before introducing the instrumentation in lecture to the freshmen, we have a modified scavenger hunt in my lab. Unlike the traditional scavenger hunt, however, students do not take the equipment, and moreover, when a student asks a question whose answer would benefit the entire class, the instructor will temporarily halt the hunt to describe what the piece of equipment is and how it works.Florida Tech is considering starting a new maker minor program. If that happens, then this will be a required course for students outside the chemical engineering major. As a result of our participation at Bucknell's BFAB for Faculty workshop, we added CAD drawing to this class in 2019.The last entries on this card contain more advanced flowsheeting topics by other KEEN partners.
CategoriesEngineering Unleashed Resources DisciplinesAll Engineering Disciplines InstitutionsFlorida Institute of Technology
Updated: 12/21/2020 8:31 AM
Lafayette’s Meta Mindset provides a graphical construct and heuristic model for the process of entrepreneurial thinking. The Mindset highlights the (often lonely and even frightening) journey common to all entrepreneurial endeavors to create new social or commercial value. This journey is fueled by curiosity, is always iterative, requires management of a wide range of risks, encourages collaboration, and is never a “sure win.” Lafayette’s Meta Mindset invites faculty to deliberately create opportunities for students to practice this journey: building skills to recognize opportunities, managing risks, seeking effective collaborators, and understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic value of thinking like an entrepreneur. Practicing the entrepreneurial journey is scalable - from individual assignments, projects, and courses to lifelong endeavors. Continually practicing the journey empowers students to connect their personal development to a broad, entrepreneurial mindset. These experiences encourage students to engage their curiosity, move beyond fear of failure, and create value from unexpected opportunities. Meta Mindset offers a way for students to use each learning experience, no matter the scale, scope or subject matter, to prepare for larger challenges and opportunities they will face in their own lives by using each experience to refine their own abilities to think entrepreneurially. What does the journey look like? The Meta Mindset begins with an inspiration - the belief that something is possible, despite having not been previously achieved. Certainly, a person who is inspired to try to create something new has to consider the limits of their understanding of the challenge. To transform an inspiration into value creation, a disciplined process is necessary with the intent of discovery and taking deliberate risks. Creativity, collaboration, and a range of skills are critical in developing solutions and overcoming challenges in the creative process. The Meta Mindset contextualizes how these elements interact and shows that value creation is not just measured extrinsically, but also intrinsically. The concept of intrinsic value in the absence of extrinsic value is well appreciated by creative individuals who recognize the benefit of learning from failure. The mindset highlights any entrepreneurial process - from developing new ideas for strengthening society to product innovation. The Mindset is equally applicable to an individual as it is to a complex organization - from a local non-profit to a multi-national corporation. Indeed, some organizations and corporations are known for their innovation. The disposition, behaviors, and motivation of these organizations may well be represented by the approach depicted by Meta Mindset where curiosity is the fuel that ultimately delivers value. What we are excited about at LafayetteThe Meta Mindset has the potential to change the way both students and faculty members view education. Imbuing this kind of mindset cannot be achieved by simply describing the process in a classroom. An “immersion” is necessary for students to experience the journey alongside their professors and the College at large. Each encounter with the journey, no matter the context, reinforces the applicability of the process and has intrinsic value that becomes, simply, how we approach our lives.
DisciplinesComprehensive InstitutionsLafayette College
Updated: 7/22/2024 10:52 AM
To become an editor for this CardDeck, please comment directly on this card.If you want to add your cards to this deck, please also leave a comment directly on this card. ** This CardDeck includes all cards related to mechanical and aerospace engineering in the order that they would appear in the curriculum.
CategoriesEngineering Unleashed Resources DisciplinesAerospace Engineering | Mechanical Engineering InstitutionsFlorida Institute of Technology
ByDoug Dunston, Michael Dorin
Updated: 11/14/2018 3:41 PM
A concise, imagination-driven assignment can help programming students identify and qualitatively discuss user's interests. Empathetic imagination can allow programming students to envision potential effects of the software they create. All software affects the lives of the users. Some software can do this in a dramatic way, such as in an aircraft navigation system or an implanted pacemaker. Even systems that seem almost innocuous impact our lives, however. Imagine the e-commerce site that makes your credit card information available or a health "supplies" site that makes your personal information available... There is always some degree of impact, though it is different for each application. This assignment was originally piloted as an add-on component to a relatively large software design project. Students working on a software design project were required to attempt to make a determination of both positive and negative impacts the software could have on the lives of the people that use it. Students then selected and justified a quality assurance plan, based on the predicted human impact.
DisciplinesComputer Science InstitutionsUniversity of St. Thomas
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