KEEN 2020 Annual Report
17 Clarkson University ran a year-long Clarkson Ignite Presi- dent’s Challenge that challenged students to Think, Make and Ignite their passion through innovation. With the help of Olin College, Colorado School of Mines de- veloped an Integrated Design Studio to support a new BSE degree for students wanting a firm design and innovation foundation. George Washington University is planning a way to bring hackathon-like experiences to all students. Students and faculty at Saint Louis University run monthly innovation challenges for cross-disciplinary student teams. Select students from schools across KEEN (and the U.S.) participate in the University Innovation Fellows program at Stanford, where they focus on identifying opportunities to add value to their campuses. Student Activity Highlights Extra-Curriculars: Co-Curriculars: Honors and Scholars Programs: 33 Partners with 161 Activities Content Partners Activities 28 80 Partners Activities 17 43 Partners Activities 2 4 The University of Dayton sets up a student-run KEEN table at every recruiting event. University of St. Thomas lets potential students know about KEEN through STEPS Camp and Explore Engineering Workshops. George Fox University hosts an industry networking event in the fall to help students meet industry representatives and secure internships. Marquette University has incorporated EM into its engi- neering co-op program. Recruiting and Outreach: Co-ops and Internships: Community Partners Activities 5 9 Partners Activities 6 7 Arizona State University’s incoming students attend E2 Camp, a digital, immersive experience to practice team- work and problem-solving skills. Florida Institute of Technology offers a first-year orienta- tion session around available EM resources. Arizona State University offers an EM-focused graduate TA training program. Western New England University provides a summer fellow- ship for students to develop EM-related content for classes. Orientation, Mentoring, and Advising: Teaching Assistants and Student Employees: Culture Partners Activities 10 12 Partners Activities 5 6 STUDENTS
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