This is a problem-based learning (PBL) design project with the entrepreneurially minded learning (EML) experience embedded. A class of 60-80 students is divided into three-member teams to complete the project. Teammates are assigned randomly, and project grade is subject to peer evaluation (Peer Review in Delivery folder).
The students are to design a suspension system for an airplane landing gear using frequency spectrum as the primary guidance. An unforeseen encounter with an uncommon road surface requires the students to validate their designs by applying harmonics decomposition.
Similar to homework, the project is done out-of-class; however, it takes three weeks and is worth equivalently to eight homework sets . "Disclosure" is given in-class "progressively" each week, usually the first fifteen minutes of a class meeting. In the first week, the purpose of the project is described to the student (Project Description in Delivery folder), and the foundation for the design is revealed: model, free-body diagram, derivation of the steady-state motion (Writing Template / Grading Rubric in Instructor Notes folder). In the second week, the design strategy is revealed: logarithmic decrement, frequency spectrum creation, observation of stiffness and damping control (Writing Template / Grading Rubric in Instructor Notes folder). In the third week, the adaptation of the design to an unexpected event is verified: the Fourier series expansion of a square-tooth function, the response of the system to each harmonic (Writing Template / Grading Rubric in Instructor Notes folder).
The performance on the project can be found in ASEE SE 2023 paper [2].