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General Card #3424
Chemical Reaction and Stoichiometry Instruction through Service Learning Preparation (PBL)
Updated: 5/1/2023 2:02 PM by Raymond Pugh
Reviewed: 2/18/2025 10:04 AM by Patti Cyr
Creating value while assessing and managing risks.

Project Based Learning - Students from the 6th grade middle school are coming to see a session on chemical reactions put forth by the Alchemist Club at the university as part of a STEM Field Day. The lab manager (portrayed by the students in the course) must prepare a lab protocol that is accurate, safe for all participants, and minimizes hazardous waste production.

Deployment and staging schedule

  • Jigsaw; out of class expert groups via discussion boards on LMS; in class home groups.
  • Module delivered in ten lecture periods


  1. (Jigsaw 1) lecture and practice on day 1, lecture and home groups meeting on day 2, lecture, clarification, practice within home groups on day 3.
  2. Days 4-6 will be lecture and in-class group practice on identifying reaction types and predicting and writing balanced equations.
  3. Day 7 will be a Student Academic Controversy discussion on Lab Safety and Waste Materials and brief introduction to stoichiometry.
  4. (Jigsaw 2) lecture and practice on day 8, lecture, clarification, practice within home groups on day 9, gallery walk and condensed group protocol sheet presentations on day 10.

Deliverables and student assessment

  1. In class poster presentation for reporting (after 2nd jigsaw only) (group)
  2. One page reflection piece (after naming Jigsaw and after completion of project)
  3. Lab safety reflection (assesses the EM of connections)
  4. mini-exam on naming and writing chemical formulas
  5. exam on chemical formulas, chemical reactions, and stoichiometry (individual)
  6. Protocol sheet (individual); (assesses the EM's of connections and creating value)
  7. Self and Team Evaluations



  • Assess and manage risk
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
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