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Classroom Card #3930
Smugglers, racecar drivers, and Barbies: design module for first year students
Updated: 1/18/2024 8:43 AM by Jodi Prosise
Reviewed: 2/18/2025 10:33 AM by Brian Woods
Exciting mini design projects with customer personas introduce first-year students to the process of customer discovery, concept generation, and prototyping.
Introduction to engineering design
One week

Persona Cards

Prototyping materials and equipment



Currently, this GIFT is designed as a module within a longer introduction to engineering course. The module lasts two weeks, meeting twice in 2-hour sessions. The module could be adjusted to take more or less time depending on individual needs.
Session 1: 2 hours
After a brief presentation introducing the steps of the engineering design process (Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Improve) and a tour of our makerspace, teams of students select from a given set of design projects. Project descriptions are written to be fun and interesting, with some initial constraints but intentionally vague to force students to interview a customer for further details. Projects can be designed to fit any field of engineering. Students are provided a workbook that walks them through the process and leaves space for them to fill in work along the way.
A major emphasis is customer discovery. A volunteer (e.g. staff or faculty) serves as the customer. When students select a project, they choose a card from a table with that project shown on the front, and on the back there is a persona indicated. The customer responds to their interview questions as if they are the persona on the card. This adds a fun and interesting twist to the projects for the students! Personas can also be personalized to the institution and instructor.
Students then brainstorm, complete a decision matrix, and make a plan for how they will construct their prototype, including what materials they will need to purchase. A list of materials and their costs are provided to the students.
Session 2: 2 hours

Once they have submitted their plans, they receive $10 (in toy money) that they use to purchase their prototyping materials. Students work together to make a prototype that functional and aesthetically pleasing. They must get feedback on their prototype from the customer and make a marketing poster. As a final assignment they submit a reflection on how they would improve the product in future iterations based on the customer’s feedback.

  • Demonstrate constant curiosity about our changing world
  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
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