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General Card #504
Ideation Techniques: Introductory Videos
Updated: 4/23/2024 3:43 PM by Ken Bloemer
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 3:00 PM by Michael Johnson
Videos to augment traditional brainstorming & increase quantity/quality of ideas
Dr. Kim Bigelow and Dr. Ken Bloemer of the University of Dayton developed this series of short videos and accompanying course material to introduce opportunity recognition and ideation techniques that can supercharge the early stages of the design process.

The videos and supplemental materials detail how you can use painstorming for opportunity recognition and bisociation and biomimicry to augment traditional brainstorming to dramatically increase the quality and quantity of potential design solutions for project teams.
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to identify hidden opportunities in their everyday world that are ripe for innovative solutions.
  • Students will be able to increase the number of ideas generated over traditional brainstorming by at least 300%.
  • Students will be able to significantly increase the novelty and uniqueness of ideas generated, potentially generating breakthrough ideas.
Instructor Tips
Dr. Kim Bigelow, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Dayton, developed the attached "Instructor Guide and Curriculum Ideas" for using the videos.
  • Demonstrate constant curiosity about our changing world
  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
  • Identify Opportunity
Categories & Tags
  • Classroom & Courses
  • Comprehensive
Drs. Kim Bigelow and Ken Bloemer produced this short Bisociation video as an introductory idea generation (ideation) technique where connections are made between the ideation topic (e.g., ideas for an improved stethoscope) and a random stimulus (e.g., a smartphone).

Also included are design prompts, in class activities and homework assignments. These materials are provided as individual documents or combined in the ALL PDFs file.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Bisociation Idea Generation Video 11/19/2021 -  
Bisociation ALL PDFs.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 2.5 MB 1483
In Class Activity 1 - A Chance to Practice.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 398.1 KB 1379
In Class Activity 2- Bisociation.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 1.3 MB 1548
In Class Activity 3- Bisociation.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 199.6 KB 1423
Homework 1 Packet_A Chance to Practice.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 395 KB 1398
Homework 2 Packet_A Chance to Practice.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 253.7 KB 1429
Design Prompts.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 204.1 KB 1440
Drs. Kim Bigelow and Ken Bloemer produced this short "Painstorming" video to introduce this opportunity recognition process. In short, a process is observed and "pains" (e.g., hassles, inconveniences, non-value added activities) are identified for potential elimination by superior product/process design.

Also included are design prompts, in class activities and homework assignments. These materials are provided as individual documents or combined in the ALL PDFs file.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Painstorming for Opportunity Recognition Video 11/19/2021 -  
Painstorming ALL PDFs.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 4.3 MB 1592
In Class Assignment 1 - Extending Video Mr Coffee to Keurig.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 315.3 KB 1501
In Class Activity 2 - Going Backwards_Pains That Led to New Technologies.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 310 KB 1498
In Class Activity 2 - Accompanying Powerpoint for Activity.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 698.1 KB 1582
In Class Activity 3 - Levels of Painstorming_Camping Out Example.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 272.5 KB 1529
In Class Activity 3 - Accompanying Powerpoint for Activity_Camping Out.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 2 MB 1632
In Class Activity 3 - To Accompany Activity - Camping Video.MOV Activity / Handout 11/19/2021 -  
Homework 1 Packet_A Chance to Practice.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 311.9 KB 1491
Homework Assignment 2 - Practicing the Photo Guided Process.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 392.6 KB 1484
Design Prompts for Course Projects.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 281 KB 1441
Drs. Kim Bigelow and Ken Bloemer produced this short Biomimicry video as an introductory idea generation (ideation) technique where the natural world is studied to spark ideas for more efficient and sustainable products and services.

Also included are design prompts, in class activities and homework assignments. These materials are provided as individual documents or combined in the ALL PDFs file.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Biomimicry - Looking to Nature for Susta Video 11/19/2021 -  
Biomimicry ALL PDFs.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 1.2 MB 1382
Biomimicry - In Class Activity 1 - A Chance to Practice.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 251 KB 1394
Biomimicry - In Class Activity 2 - Application.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 217.5 KB 1396
Biomimicry - In Class Activity 3 - Animal Inspiration.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/19/2021 196.7 KB 1435
Biomimicry - Homework 1 Packet_A Chance to Practice.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 199.8 KB 1516
Biomimicry - Homework 2 - Animals.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 300.7 KB 1458
Biomimicry - 3 Design Prompts.pdf Other .pdf 11/19/2021 197.8 KB 1375
This guide contains follow-up classroom activities, assignments, and discussions to accompany the Ideation Techniques Video Series.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Instructor Guide & Curriculum Ideas - Ideation Video Series.pdf Instructor Notes .pdf 11/28/2017 609.6 KB 1400