Call for Proposals

2025 Engineering Unleashed Faculty Development

Propose a 2025 EUFD National Workshop!

The 2025 Engineering Unleashed Faculty Development (EUFD) National Workshops call for proposals is open until October 15, 2024. 

This is an opportunity to showcase your work in advancing entrepreneurial mindset (EM) by providing other educators with ideas and techniques they can implement on their campuses. 

If you've already read the informational document, you may submit your proposal. 

Click here to apply:


All successful workshop proposals must clearly identify the EM content, connections, and assessment that will be the cornerstone of the workshop.


  1. The “Why?” Proposals identify the need for a workshop and its addition into the collection within the EUFD initiatives. In other words, what authentic needs does the workshop meet?
  2. The “How?” All EUFD workshop proposals map their proposed activities, structure, and interactions to a set of 7 Design Principles. How will it work?
  3. “What difference will it make?” Proposals include an overarching goal statement and learning objectives for participants. What results can a participant expect?

Suggested Workshop Topics

These topics have been curated by the EUFD Team based on input from the Network in addition to past workshop topics.

PleaseNote_clr.pngWhile workshop proposals based on these topics are highly encouraged, proposals can be made for workshops focused on other EM-based topics.

Engineering Discipline Specific EM Curriculum Development (DiSC) is about designing EM-based curricula that is specific to one of the many engineering disciplines (e.g., electrical, chemical, computer science etc.). The workshop embraces state of the art pedagogical approaches that emphasize EM development within the context of the specific engineering industry. DiSC provides guidance on integrating EML in discipline specific courses with a focus on the middle years of an undergraduate degree.

Fostering EM Through Applications (FETA) is about designing curricula that concurrently promote the development of EM and engineering skillset by applying modern tools. These tools may include software (e.g. ChatGPT, Matlab, Python, CAD), hardware, media (e.g., podcasts, videos, social media), and pedagogical aids (e.g., Jamboard,, Mural). FETA applies modern tools for classical engineering topics with the goal of providing students with industry-desired skills.

Faculty-Industry Connections (FIC) is about building individual faculty connections with industry partners based on EM thinking. The value created from these connections benefit faculty, students, and industry. The workshop presents an industry perspective on value creation. FIC provides opportunities for faculty to learn and practice strategies for building EM-based industry relationships.

Entrepreneurship and EM (EEM) is about developing EM by integrating entrepreneurship activities within engineering courses. By engaging in entrepreneurship activities, students can develop a habit of recognizing and acting upon opportunities, understanding the interconnectedness of ideas and systems, and creating value in various forms. This workshop would guide faculty participants through a framework for developing entrepreneurship activities within their engineering courses.

Ready? Propose Your Workshop

  1. Review the full informational document. This includes the Roles and Responsibilities document and the sample facilitator/coach contract.
  2. Complete the 2025 EUFD National Workshop Proposal Form.


Please contact the EUFD team.