
KEEN AI Search Assistant

What is Kai?


Kai is an acronym for KEEN AI: Your search assistant on Engineering Unleashed!

Try Kai to find class activities, members, and more.

How Does Kai Work?

Kai is an AI engine built on the collective knowledge of the network. The current version of Kai is in beta.

Here's what Kai can do - and doesn't do (subject to change):

  • Kai will return results for cards, groups, members, and community web pages.
  • Kai will not provide chat feedback or guidance; it is intended to provide a different search experience, rather than drive conversations with an AI bot.
  • Kai also doesn't have the ability to connect counts of card downloads, user publications, or other numeric values to search.
    • Example of a search that won't return valid results: "Tell me which institution has the most members on Engineering Unleashed." 
    • Another example: "Who has published the most cards?"

Kai Search Tips

  1. Just like with Chat GPT, type what you're looking for.
  2. Carefully review results to determine if they fit your purpose.  
  3. Don't like the content you see? Click ThumbsNo.png "No" to help Kai learn.
  4. Then add more context to your query or statement, and ask again!

KaiBeta_sq.png Find Kai in the menu bar.