New Features

August 2023 Edition

Introducing the Classroom Template, Citations, & More

These updates to Engineering Unleashed will help you find and create content. 


Classroom Template | General Template | Search by Classroom Time | Cite Cards | Share Cards Externally | Download Cards | I Used It! | Mobile Responsive | Follow Group Forums


Classroom Template for Cards

Now in your Card Edit screen, choose between two templates - General and Classroom. 


With the Classroom card template, you can add: 

  • Time - expected duration of your activity.
  • Materials - what does someone doing your activity need?
  • Course - unpack the context and specifics of your content.
  • Prerequisites - what should students know before doing this activity?
  • Assessment - how did you measure student learning?


For example, here's how you select the time your activity or project takes:


Members will be able to search for cards by details such as time.

How to use the Classroom template

You don’t have to create brand new cards. Just toggle the template to Classroom when you edit an existing card.

EU_swoosh_transbg.png Update your cards today!

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General Template for Cards

We updated the General template, too. Just as with Classroom, you’ll see this new field: 

  • Assessment - how did you measure student learning?


EU_swoosh_transbg.png Update your cards today!

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Search Cards by Classroom Time

On the Search bar, click the More… filter button. Then select:

  • Template Type - Classroom
  • Classroom Time - Anywhere from 5 minutes to a trimester or semester!


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Cite Cards On Your CV & Elsewhere

  • Click the Cite button on top of your card and copy the citation that appears:
  • Citation_ex.png

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    Share Cards Externally

    There’s a new action button along the top of cards. Now you can easily:

    • Share a card to social media or email!


    Please note: Card shares will show a login prompt, unless:

    • You are sharing a reviewed card. Non-members will be able to read the card’s description and some additional information.

    Here is what a reviewed card looks like to a non-logged in user:


    Want your card reviewed? Click here for the process.

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    Download the Entire Card

    Another new action button on top of cards allows you to:

    • Save the entire card as a PDF. This includes links to attachments or websites.


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    Tell the Author You Used Their Card

    Click the “Used” button at the top of the card. The card author will be glad to know you tried out their activity.


    Be sure to revisit cards that have inspired you and mark “Used”!

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    Mobile Search + Card Views: Improved

    Take Engineering Unleashed with you on your phone or tablet! Now cards and our search engine are fully mobile responsive.


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    Got a Group? Now You Can “Follow” Forums

    Group members will see the Follow button on their group’s private forum. Select it to get email notifications for those forum conversations. No more missing out on posts!


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