Rowan University
In 20 short years, The Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering has gained national recognition as a leader in undergraduate engineering education. The entrepreneurial spirit and vision for engineering education of our benefactor, Henry M. Rowan, an industrialist and philanthropist, has ensured a permanent focus on attracting and educating engineers to be future leaders driving global innovation. Rowan’s unique clinic-based curriculum for undergraduate education provides students with a dynamic, project-based learning environment. In addition, it has fostered a legacy of effective collaborations with industrial partners to enhance authentic educational opportunities for our students. This model for undergraduate education has been emulated throughout academia and forms the bedrock for the experiential learning process that is synonymous with Rowan Engineering.

Rowan Engineering takes great pride in our legacy of innovative undergraduate engineering education. Our clinic model provides a unique experiential education model that serves as an ideal conduit for integrating entrepreneurial-minded learning into higher education. As a partner we are eager to develop cutting-edge student, faculty, and curricular innovations; share these innovations with others in the Network; and learn from our KEEN peers.

Learn more about the entrepreneurial mindset. You can also join Engineering Unleashed today.
Like KEEN, we seek new and novel approaches to create value and ensure that our learning environment is one where creativity and connections can flourish. In this respect it is fitting that our organizations are now partnered to ensure that engineering and the entrepreneurial mindset are fully integrated. We share in the vision of the Network that one day these domains will become synonymous.
--Ali A. Houshmand, President, Rowan University
Michael Johnson 3 others  
published a card
Create educational materials and teaching concepts with the KEEN Framework, an adaptable guide to entrepreneurially minded learning!

Jack Bringardner 3 others  
published a card
This KNC 2025 session will guide faculty through a step-by-step process to infuse an entrepreneurial mindset into existing course activities.