Clarkson University
At Clarkson University, our undergraduate and graduate program prepares students for tomorrow’s challenges in two distinctive ways.

First, our curriculum is team-based and interdisciplinary, just like today’s workplace. Since engineers don’t work in isolation, we don’t believe they should learn in isolation either. Second, we emphasize the development of technology that serves humanity. We don’t pursue engineering for the sake of engineering. We encourage students to consider the social consequences of projects by looking at the economics, ethics and environmental impact of every engineering decision.

At Clarkson, innovation and collaboration are part of our institutional identity and “Technology Serving Humanity” is our engineering school tagline. We look forward to partnering with other KEEN universities to advance undergraduate engineering educations by instilling the entrepreneurial mindset in our students through the adoption of curricular innovation and best practices.

Why We're In KEEN
Clarkson is a part of KEEN as we desire to share and work to inculcate the entrepreneurial mindset throughout the Clarkson engineering experience.

To effectively teach the entrepreneurial mindset you must have an entrepreneurial mindset.

The entrepreneurial mindset is a powerful concept that can lead to great personal and organizational success.

We want faculty members to see that entrepreneurial mindset is much more than a pedagogy to be used in the classroom - it is something they should embrace and practice not only in their teaching, but also in their scholarship and service activities to advance their own careers.

This "personalization" of EM will lead to wider adoption and more authentic and effective teaching of EM to our students.

How are entrepreneurial mindset concepts being used at your institution as part of a faculty development program?

Current Work
Clarkson is leveraging its expertise and leadership in the co-curricular space as we build out a number of micro-credentials (aka short courses, digital badges, etc.) that take classroom learning to the next level.

We are also part of a partnership looking to enhance and improve our relationship with industry through our various boards, transforming them from "advisory boards" to "partnership boards".

Featured Cards

Philip Parker 5 others  
published a card
“Project Unlock” provides tools to engage your Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) and transform them into Industry Partnership Boards (IPB).

Philip Parker 1 other  
published a card
In this breakout session, we explore how microcredentials could address EM gaps in our programs.