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Vanderbilt University
Arizona State University
Colorado School of Mines
Hua Wang is an Associate Professor of Department of Computer Science at Colorado School of Mines. He is also the associate director of the Data Science Program at Colorado School of Mines. His current research interests include machine learning and big data mining, as well as their applications in medical image computing, health informatics, additive manufacturing, bioinformatics, computer vision, and cheminformatics, where he aims at developing efficient algorithms with nice theoretical guarantees to solve practical problems involving large scale data.
Clarkson University
Drexel University
Lehigh University
An award-winning innovator in curriculum and program development, John Ochs joined Lehigh University's Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics department in 1979 and founded and directed its Computer-Aided Design Labs from 1980 to 1999. From 1985-95 he did extensive industry consulting and was involved in the startup of three companies. John Ochs is the founder and director of Lehigh University’s Masters of Engineering in Technical Entrepreneurship (TE) (www.lehigh.edu/innovate ). In 2014 the Technical Entrepreneurship Masters won the first place award for “Excellence in Talent Development” by the University Economic Development Associations (UEDA). In June 2014, the editors of the Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship (JEEN) presented Professor Ochs the Engineering Entrepreneurship Pioneer award. In June 2016 he was elected a Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). In 2014 former President Gast established the “John B Ochs” prize for excellence in Teaching Entrepreneurship which is awarded each year to deserving young Lehigh faculty. In the 2017 the UEDA again recognized Lehigh’s KEEN (Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network) Initiative to transform engineering education led by Professor Ochs with the first place prize for excellence in curriculum innovation. Professor Ochs lives in Bethlehem, PA with Anne, his wife of 47 years. He has 3 sons and 7 grandchildren. In his free time Professor Ochs is a hacker – golf, not software!
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Grand Canyon University
I am a prototyper, designer, educator, love teaching, designing and making things from medical devices, to board games to great students. Love working with everyone!
Michigan Technological University
Jonathan currently teaches business management and entrepreneurship courses at Michigan Technological University. He is a 1994 graduate of Michigan Tech and started his career in the automotive industry where he eventually became product portfolio manager of a nearly $10 million business unit for automotive parts catalog systems. Following that, he has worked with entrepreneurial firms started from research at Michigan Tech, as well as numerous independent innovators. He serves on boards of several for-profit and non-profit organizations. His nearly 30 years of diverse work experiences provides a rich resource bank to draw examples and stories that he shares with students in the classroom. As a life-long learner, he continues to innovate his courses based on the entrepreneurial mindset and working to instill curiosity, connections and creating value with students as they prepare for their careers.
Colorado Technical University
Robert Morris University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Professor Jianyu Liang is a Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where she also holds affiliated appointments in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Chemical Engineering. She served as a guest researcher at the Army Research Laboratories from 2013 to 2014, a visiting professor in the School of Engineering at Brown University in 2023, and an ABET program evaluator since 2016. Since joining WPI in 2004, Dr. Liang's research on energy and sustainability, including Li-ion batteries, fuel cells, and recycling and repurposing of waste materials, has been funded by NASA, DoD, the Department of Education, and industry. As an educator, Dr. Liang strives to equip her students with the confidence, enthusiasm, knowledge, and skills to enjoy learning throughout their lives.
Santa Clara University
I am the Chair of General Engineering at Santa Clara University and have a background (B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.) in Chemical Engineering. I have been passionate about teaching and learning in higher education throughout my career (for over 14 years and 7 different institutions). My scholarship in teaching and learning (SoTL) efforts have been focused on engineering education, and a large number of my papers have been part of ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education). In addition, I have had a vested interest in building the teaching community both here at SCU and beyond as a Community Catalyst with Engineering Unleashed. When I’m not ‘working’, my hobbies include gardening, camping and hiking, soccer, and knitting/sewing.
The University of Texas at Tyler
Florida Gulf Coast University
I am an Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at Florida Gulf Coast University (Fort Myers, FL), a Primarily Undergraduate Institution and emerging Hispanic Serving Institution. I teach students of all levels from engineering core courses such as "Introduction to the Engineering Profession" and "Engineering Mechanics (Statics & Dynamics)" to upper-level courses such as "Biological Performance of Materials" and "Bioengineering Senior Design (I & II)." I welcome student-faculty partnerships and am a proponent of undergraduate Learning Assistants because students offer valuable perspectives that can help build a more holistic learning process/environment. I have seen tremendous growth in students from their time in college and onto fulfilling careers, and although my disciplinary background is in cellular scaffolding for tissue engineering, I am invested in supporting students through this critical phase in their lives. I believe that college is not only a time and place to develop technical skills and knowledge but also for self-discovery and personal growth, and that the motivation to learn/achieve is influenced by social and emotional aspects as well as interpersonal connections. Thus, my scholarship focuses on factors affecting students' performance, reflection for learning, motivation and mindset, and teamwork and group dynamics. My efforts in engineering education were recognized with the U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering Excellence in Education Award.
Rochester Institute of Technology
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
As Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs in The Grainger College of Engineering, I lead a team of professionals to deliver an outstanding undergraduate student experience in the college. We facilitate the development and delivery of programs and opportunities to over 8,000 undergraduate students, ranging from academic advising, career services, study abroad, undergraduate research, to hands-on engineering design and build experiences. We also develop the next generation of engineers through a variety of summer camps and academic-year, pre-college programs. Through our Academy of Excellence in Engineering Education, we support the teaching and engineering education pedagogical innovations of our faculty that transform the educational experience of our students, engaging over 70 faculty each year. Working with the academic departments, we facilitate the continual evolution of the courses and academic programs offered within the college as well as the development of enrollment management strategies to ensure the vitality and vibrancy of the undergraduate student population. I am a dedicated and proven leader who strives to promote the individual and collective successes of my team, which is dedicated to inspiring our students to expand their potential and positively impact the world.
Colorado School of Mines
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