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Updated: 5/15/2024 8:46 AM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 2:59 PM
This activity encourages students to find a close contact in their world who would benefit from assistive technology. Grandparents, a parent with a physical condition or someone that they know living with a disability make good clients. The idea is that the student feels close enough to reach out personally for an interview and have in depth discussions about the person's particular needs and desires in a device that would assist them with activities of daily living. The student works over a series of interviews to determine: What the problem is and current problems with available technologyWays an engineering solution could help improve their activities of daily livingIterate design by seeking feedback and constructive criticism on design ideas Who: This is for any class teaching students about customer discovery or product development. What: In the first phase of interviews students work one-on-one with their client to develop an empathy map to better understand the client's unique needs and desires. They determine the specific pain points and the Jobs to be Done by the device they hope to design. In the second phase of this project, students work in virtual classrooms via Zoom breakout rooms to get feedback from local nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists and people with work experience helping their clientele. They use this feedback from the professionals to refine their ideas. If the class schedule allows, students can continue progress on the project by executing one of three things: Iterate and refine their ideas and complete a final design sketch (conclusion of this card)Develop a CAD model of the prototype and present this to client/working professionals: CADRapid prototype their final design using low-cost materials: Prototyping BONUS: Also included is a participatory design activity (see .PPT below) where students worked in teams of 3-4 to practice coming up with interview questions for specific clients that were assigned to them. This activity was done in Zoom breakout rooms with a 10 minute report out at the end of the class. Timeline of the Module: In-Class: Have students compile interview questions, in class activity or a Google Slides participatory design activity (30 minutes)Week 2: Students conduct 1st set of interviews of their client to determine basic user needsHomework #1: Have students complete the empathy map and write a job story for their clientIn-class: Have students create an engineering sketch on plain white paper, share designs with classmates and explain features/functions (30 minutes)Homework #2: Share design with client and talk about improvements likes/don't like about initial designIn-class: Have students complete another iteration of design (15 minutes)In-class: Share with clinical professionals using Zoom and breakout rooms, 1 professional per group of 4 engineers to practice discussing design ideas and getting feedback (60 minute class period)Homework #3: Get feedback from client, write a reflection on feedback and their experience in the end-user focused design process with a final sketch presented in the writing sample
TagsEUFD 2020 CategoriesCampus & Outreach | Classroom & Courses DisciplinesHealth Sciences & Medical | Technical Communications InstitutionsWestern New England University
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