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ByAjmal Khan, Heath LeBlanc, Khalid Al-Olimat
Updated: 10/14/2022 3:03 PM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 3:03 PM
A traditional electric circuits course can spark the entrepreneurial mindset with just a few key enhancements.1.) Question Formulation Technique (QFT): [Targets Curiosity]The QFT is a pedagogical approach, created by the Right Question Institute, to improve the ability of students to formulate their own questions, refine and prioritize the questions, and ultimately use the questions for some purpose. It involves a question focus (QFocus) developed by the instructor to direct the question generation process. Divergent thinking is encouraged, where students brainstorm to create questions (called question-storming) in groups of 3-5 students in order to generate many questions on the QFocus topic. Students then analyze and refine the questions, and then prioritize them based on relevance to the QFocus, propensity for exploration, and student interest. A QFT exercise is used in 10 of the labs as a kickstarter for the laboratory experiment. From the ten sets of QFT exercises, each student selects three questions from different labs to use in three short exploratory research papers on the selected questions. Finally students write a brief reflection on the QFT exercises and exploratory research assignments. See the Circuits QFT Resources folder for files supporting this tool.2.) Circuit analogies related to real life experiences or familiar topics: [Targets Connections]Connecting new topics to established student knowledge and understanding is a well-researched pedagogical approach firmly grounded in the science of learning. Given the abstract nature of electric circuits to students, it is even more critical for this subject. Toward the end of the course, students have the option to reflect on one of the analogies given throughout the course and connect it to a personal life experience, or to create their own analogy that connects the circuit content to a life experience or other topic. See the Circuits Analogy Resources folder for files supporting this.3.) Entrepreneurially Minded Learning (EML) circuit design-build-test with value proposition: [Targets Creating Value]Students organize into groups of two to four students (from at least two different majors, if possible, as the circuits course has students from up to 5 different majors) to design and build a circuit to interface two electrical components: a position sensor that provides a signal with one voltage range and an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) that accepts another voltage range. The mapping of the voltage must meet certain constraints and the circuit must be able to source at least 10mA to the ADC. There are four deliverables for the project: a team charter, design alternatives document, written product proposal, and 5-minute prototype demonstration.In the team charter, students list the set of rules and expectations for their team to try to avoid the common pitfalls and submit the team charter during Lab 6. The design alternatives document requires students to demonstrate that at least two unique solutions are viable. They must define relevant design criteria and evaluation metrics, mathematically analyze their designs, simulate them in PSPICE, select one circuit component supplier, and find all parts necessary to construct the circuit. The bill of materials must have supplier part numbers and the correct number of parts to construct 10,000 circuits. Feedback from the instructor on the design alternatives document must be incorporated in the written product proposal, which should compare 2 suppliers for each design and identify one distributor who would reasonably sell the circuit, convey the value proposition for the circuit design selected, and describe the testing and implementation. The value proposition section should use the Need-Approach-Benefits/Costs-Competition (NABC) framework to organize the value proposition. The NABC framework is a tool developed by SRI International to improve the value propositions generated internally. Finally, students describe the design and prototype in a 5-minute pitch in the final lab.See the Circuits EML Design-Build-Test Project with NABC Value Props folder for files supporting this.--Note: Featured Image is a personalized PCB created by ONU student Gabriel Russ.
CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesElectrical & Computer Engineering | Engineering Science/Physics | General Engineering InstitutionsOhio Northern University
Updated: 10/14/2022 3:14 PM
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 3:15 PM
This module explores the concept of thrust and the relevant equations for jet engines in an introductory course about “flight”. When implemented at the University of Dayton, the “Introduction to Flight” course had 28 students in their sophomore and junior level studying Mechanical Engineering. Each assignment in this class includes EML objectives. The module took 2.5 weeks (5 classes each 1 hour and 15 minutes) to be complete where the students explored the question, “Why do jets fly so high?” and big picture view of “thrust” and jet engine design. This module involved the 3C’s by guiding students through a process of inquiry, exploration and discovery. In classroom, students were exposed to the fundamental equation of thrust derived from conservation of mass and momentum. Then, the students were asked to find opportunities to increase thrust from an engine by influencing parameters in the thrust equation. The open ended question encourages students to make connections between theory and practice. After understanding the equation, students discuss opportunities for improvement and societal impact. This module would work well for anyone teaching flight, jet engines, or propulsion.
CategoriesClassroom & Courses DisciplinesChemical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Aerospace Engineering InstitutionsThe Kern Family Foundation | University of Dayton
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