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General Card #3583
How to Empower Students with EM in Research
Updated: 11/11/2024 3:13 PM by Becky Benishek
Reviewed: 11/28/2023 11:33 AM by Becky Benishek
Faculty workshops + videos on how to integrate entrepreneurial mindset (EM) into undergraduate student research.

This card features two workshops designed to assist facilitators in organizing and conducting faculty workshops on undergraduate research mentoring.

Each workshop includes video content and supplementary resources, encompassing facilitator guides, handouts, PowerPoint slides, and faculty report templates. These resources will help you conduct a workshop on your campus and have already been piloted at several campuses across KEEN.

The initial offering of these workshops on KEEN campuses has not only reinforced the concepts of EML in the laboratory but has also sparked increased interests among undergraduates. Participating faculty members now possess a deeper understanding of the integral role EML plays in any research endeavor.

Please reach out to the authors of this card with any questions about how to conduct a workshop on your campus.

Many instructors across KEEN and beyond have been involving students in their research for years. They came together to develop this package of resources to help undergrads get excited about the opportunity and garner more involvement from them.

This card is part of a larger package of resources and focuses on giving faculty tools to engage students in undergrad research.

Card 3165 provides instructor guides, strategies, and videos to excite first-year students about getting involved in research.

Card 3619 provides additional videos and instructor guides to be used within classes to help explain different elements of the undergraduate research journey.

All of these cards are open to adaptation and adoption.

More Context:
Faculty members play a crucial role in nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset (EM) among students, especially when they work closely with students on research activities. To be effective role models and pass on this mindset, faculty themselves must possess an entrepreneurial mindset.

The objective here is to bring together faculty members to brainstorm ideas on how to better engage and mentor undergraduate students in research activities, help them understand the connection to the larger world, recognize interdisciplinary opportunities, and foster entrepreneurial thinking.

What’s in this card:
There is a playlist of videos created for this content, which you can view here:

  • Faculty Workshop 1: How to Involve Undergrads in Research
  • Faculty Workshop 2: Why Involve Undergrads in Research

View implementation strategies in the Instructor Tips section.

Youtube Video Link
Learning Objectives
  1. Help faculty to apply key elements of an entrepreneurial mindset (Curiosity, Connection, Creating Value) in the context of research
  2. Share stories of how faculty successfully attracted and mentored student researchers
  3. Identify successful strategies used by faculty to help students understand their EM through research engagements
  4. Brainstorm methods to grow student curiosity, mental connections, and contributions to impactful work through intentional research mentorship
Instructor Tips

Before the workshop:

  • Announcement and RSVP (You may also consider inviting postdoctoral fellows and senior graduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in academia)
  • Workshop flyer
  • Order lunch
  • Set up room, audio & screen
  • Remind participants to bring their laptops
  • Bring index cards and pencils for interactive activities
  • Print handouts
  • Set up questions (survey) in PollEverywhere
  • Divide presentations among facilitators, if applicable


  • Collect sign-in sheets (email address for follow-up purposes)
  • Follow up and report summary

We will continue to update this section with new implementation strategies and updates from faculty as they deploy these modules.

Implementation Strategies & Tips
Modify and adapt the activities based on your campus culture and the number of participants in the workshop. The initial offering indicates that activities may run longer than expected. Please plan accordingly and allocate ample time for faculty discussion.

  • Demonstrate constant curiosity about our changing world
  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
  • Assess and manage risk
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
  • Persist through and learn from failure
  • Identify Opportunity
  • Evaluate Tech Feasibility, Customer Value, Societal Benefits & Economic Viability
  • Test Concepts via Customer Engagement
  • Communicate Solution in Economic Terms
  • Develop Partnerships & Build Team
  • Communicate Societal Benefits
Categories & Tags
  • Engineering Unleashed Resources
  • Workshops & Events
  • EM in Research
  • Faculty Development
  • Faculty Workshop
  • Research Mentoring
  • Undergraduate Research
  • undergraduate student research
  • videos
  • All Engineering Disciplines
The purpose of this workshop is to explore how entrepreneurial-minded learning (EML), specifically through the lenses of “Curiosity and Creating Value”, can enhance research productivity. Undergraduates bring diversity, fresh perspectives, and unique ideas to research teams, making them valuable contributors to the research process. Their involvement can stimulate out-of-box thinking and facilitate problem-solving. This workshop aims to facilitate a discussion on the following questions: 1) How to best engage undergraduates in research programs? and 2) How can undergraduates make meaningful contributions to research projects? These questions are intended to spark conversation and reflection on EML, particularly in relation to “Curiosity and Creating Value”.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
How to Involve Undergrads in Research - Youtube Video Video 11/27/2023 -  
How to Involve Undergrads in Research - Facilitator Guide Instructor Notes .docx 11/27/2023 16.5 KB 304
How to Involve Undergrads in Research - Facilitator Slides Presentation .pptx 11/27/2023 3.2 MB 318
How to Involve Undergrads in Research - Faculty Research Mentoring Planning Activity / Handout .docx 11/27/2023 13.8 KB 316
How to Involve Undergrads in Research - Faculty Report Template Activity / Handout .docx 11/27/2023 14.6 KB 308
Faculty Workshop Flyer Other .pptx 11/27/2023 1.1 MB 306
This is a workshop to provide faculty with ideas and tools for more effective research mentoring, with an emphasis on implementing entrepreneurial mindset (EM) skills in research, and encourage faculty to better engage undergraduates in their research activities. The workshop will start with a brief introduction of the overall scope of the KEEN project “EM in Research” and key elements of EM. Workshop activities will address ways to implement the 3 C’s in research, emphasizing connections. Depending on the culture of your institution and number of attendees, you may choose different formats of activities as long as they promote the discussion in a fun and meaningful way. You may also selectively use part of the activities depending on the length of your faculty seminar/ workshop. The workshop will be concluded with some key take-away messages, and attendees will work on a plan to implement EM skills in their research mentoring and submit feedback.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Why Involve Undergrads in Research - Youtube Video Video 11/27/2023 -  
Why Involve Undergrads in Research - Facilitator Guide Instructor Notes .docx 11/27/2023 17.1 KB 331
Why Involve Undergrads in Research - Facilitator Slides Presentation .pptx 11/27/2023 2.6 MB 325
Why Involve Undergrads in Research - Faculty Research Mentoring Planning Activity / Handout .docx 11/27/2023 13.8 KB 301
Why Involve Undergrads in Research - Faculty Report Template Activity / Handout .docx 11/27/2023 14.6 KB 290