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General Card #3619
Undergraduate Student Research Training Workshops
Updated: 11/11/2024 3:13 PM by Becky Benishek
Reviewed: 11/28/2023 11:33 AM by Becky Benishek
A series of workshops, videos, and assessments designed to help undergraduate researchers leverage EM to guide their research and generate impact.

This card features six workshops that introduce students to principles of both entrepreneurial mindset (EM) and undergraduate research, highlighting the benefits of teaching EM to undergraduate researchers from the start. Our workshops help students identify opportunities and stakeholders as they start a research project. Students can then leverage a combination of research skills and EM concepts to move their projects forward.

Each workshop includes video content, a moderator guide, and student slides or worksheets. The workshops are designed to be facilitated by a workshop moderator and can be deployed either in person or virtually. 


For over a decade, KEEN faculty have introduced entrepreneurial mindset (EM) in undergraduate classes. While this has improved undergraduate engineering education, EM has not been widely incorporated into undergraduate research (UGR) experiences. The work presented in this card is part of a broader project (see An EM-Driven Framework for Undergraduate Research) to introduce a framework for implementing the 3C’s into research activities to foster EM and use EM to address common challenges in undergraduate research.

This card is part of a larger package of resources and focuses on early engagement of students. 

Card 3583 provides resources to educate faculty on ways to engage undergraduate students in research.

Card 3165 provides videos and instructor guides to help faculty and students understand how research can impact their career and service.

All of these cards are open to adaptation and adoption.

Additional Context:

The student research training workshops described in this card are designed to help students identify opportunities and stakeholders as they start a research project and then leverage a combination of research skills and EM concepts to continue to move their projects forward. Workshop topics include framing research questions with EM, building resilience in research, thriving in a research environment, developing a research pitch, using EM to drive effective data presentation, and focusing next steps in research to maximize research impact.

In designing our interventions, we considered alignment with guidelines provided by the Council on Undergraduate Research, which include curating engaging and high‐impact opportunities, creating a community of student scholars, peer mentoring, opportunities for early and sustained involvement, and program assessment [1].

What’s in this card: 

There is a playlist of videos created for these workshops. View the playlist here:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvITFYQeu1sE9DpNF2RDiHy0tdrXF4v6y

  • Workshop 1: Framing Your Research Question with EM
  • Workshop 2: Thriving in a Research Environment
  • Workshop 3: Building Resilience in Research
  • Workshop 4: Pitching Your Research
  • Workshop 5: Using EM to Drive Effective Data Visualization
  • Workshop 6: Maximizing the Impact of Your Research

View implementation strategies in the Instructor Tips section. 

Youtube Video Link
Learning Objectives

Each workshop has a series of student learning objectives. After completing the workshops, students should be able to...

WorkshopLearning objectives

1. Framing Your Research Question with EM






  • Describe, at a high level, how the framework of the Entrepreneurial Mindset can be applied to research, emphasizing the connections between research opportunities, research plans, and research impact.
  • Use the technique of connecting broad statements to specific claims to help formulate a research question.
  • Use concept mapping to help identify open questions in their research project and collect information needed to understand your research opportunity.
  • Identify key stakeholders for their research project and describe the interests of those stakeholders.

2. Thriving in a Research Environment




  • Describe the importance of using SMART goals to be able to answer their research question and make connections between their research and the interests of stakeholders. 
  • Practice writing SMART goals for next steps in their research.
  • Prepare a goal-setting plan that includes frequency of reflection and a plan for accountability.

3. Building Resilience in Research




  • Explain their tendencies for how they respond to engaging with others during stressful situations: passive, aggressive, or assertive.
  • Describe empathic listening and its importance for achieving your goals and building relationships for maximum impact.
  • Through role-play, practice being assertive and using empathic listening skills.

4. Pitching Your Research



  • Create a connection to start interest in the research.
  • Stimulate curiosity by developing interest in the audience.
  • Capitalize on opportunities.
  • Create a lasting connection with the audience.

5. Using EM to Drive Effective Data Visualization






  • Understand the importance of identifying opportunities relevant to research and business goals from data collected and analyzed throughout the research process.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different types of data visualizations.
  • Learn key data visualization principles and techniques behind creating effective and meaningful visualizations.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate insights from data visualization to stakeholders and use those insights to drive informed decisions.
  • Recognize ethical considerations relevant to data gathering and data visualization.

6. Maximizing the Impact of Your Research






  • Describe potential the impact of their research, including listing key results and identifying the groups most interested in those results.
  • List a variety of options for sharing undergraduate research, including both traditional academic venues as well as venues for reaching audiences outside of the academic context.
  • Identify the venues that might be most appropriate for sharing their work.
  • Prepare a dissemination plan for their research, including information on the intended audience and the message to be shared with each audience.


Instructor Tips

Each workshop is designed to be completed in approximately 1 hour. The instructor guides for each workshop have more details on materials and preparation time required for each workshop. We have successfully offered the workshops as a research bootcamp (student complete all six workshops over 1-2 days) and as a workshop series spread over a semester or summer.

Implementation Strategies & Tips

  • Along with the instructor guide, make sure to look at the "Notes" section of the instructor slide decks. In the notes, we've included additional text for helping instructors introduce activities and highlight main discussion points for each workshop.
  • We have offered the workshops in order (Workshop 1 through Workshop 6), but each workshop can stand alone as well, if you only have time to offer a portion of the series or would like to offer them in a different order.
  • The instructor guide for each workshop also includes tips on adapting the workshops for virtual learning.

We will continue to update this section with new implementation strategies and updates from faculty as they deploy these modules.


To assess the impact of our workshop-based interventions on student research productivity and attitudes toward research, we developed a retrospective, post-experience survey and a one-year follow-up survey for students participating in the workshops. Results are currently being collected and analyzed.

Additional details on the survey development and implementation can be found in our ASEE conference paper "Development of entrepreneurial mindset-driven training materials for undergraduate researchers" [2], which is included in the Related Publications section. A document with our full set of survey questions is available in the Assessment folder below.

  • Demonstrate constant curiosity about our changing world
  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
  • Persist through and learn from failure
  • Develop New Technologies
  • Analyze Solutions
  • Identify Opportunity
  • Evaluate Tech Feasibility, Customer Value, Societal Benefits & Economic Viability
  • Develop Partnerships & Build Team
  • Communicate Societal Benefits
Categories & Tags
  • Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular
  • Workshops & Events
  • undergraduate students research
  • Research process
  • workshops
  • videos
  • Undergraduate Research
  • undergraduate student research
  • first year
  • First Year Engineering
  • Comprehensive

[1] Hensel, N. (2012). Characteristics of Excellence in Undergraduate Research. Council on Undergraduate Research.

[2] M. Nezafati, I. Reizman, M. Marincel Payne, and L. Liu, “Development of entrepreneurial mindset-driven training materials for undergraduate researchers,” in 2023 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education, 2023.

This folder contains all student and instructor materials for the workshop "Framing Your Research Question with EM", including the introductory video.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Intro Video: Framing your research question with EM Video 10/9/2023 -  
Framing your research question - Instructor Guide.docx Instructor Notes .docx 11/14/2023 23.8 KB 278
Framing your research question - instructor slides.pptx Presentation .pptx 11/14/2023 1.7 MB 296
Framing your research question - Student Resources.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 636.4 KB 312
Framing your research question - student slides.pptx Activity / Handout .pptx 11/14/2023 54.4 KB 298
Concept Map Template to print.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/14/2023 72.1 KB 286
This folder contains all student and instructor materials for the workshop "Thriving in a Research Environment", including the introductory video.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Intro Video: Thriving in a Research Environment Video 10/9/2023 -  
Thriving in a Research Environment - Instructor Guide.docx Instructor Notes .docx 11/14/2023 22 KB 294
Thriving in a Research Environment - instructor slides.pptx Presentation .pptx 11/14/2023 1.9 MB 305
Thriving in a Research Environment - student handout.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 18.5 KB 302
Thriving in a Research Environment - student slides.pptx Activity / Handout .pptx 11/14/2023 48.8 KB 301
This folder contains all student and instructor materials for the workshop "Building Resilience in Research", including the introductory video.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Intro Video: Building Resilience in Research Video 11/14/2023 -  
Building Resilience in Research - Instructor Guide.docx Instructor Notes .docx 11/14/2023 23.6 KB 283
Building Resilience in Research - instructor slides.pptx Presentation .pptx 11/14/2023 7.2 MB 325
Building Resilience in Research - Student handout.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 194.9 KB 280
Building Resilience in Research - student slides.pptx Activity / Handout .pptx 11/14/2023 57.5 KB 282
This folder contains all student and instructor materials for the workshop "Pitching Your Research", including the introductory video.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Intro Video: Pitching Your Research Video 10/9/2023 -  
Developing your research pitch-01- Facilitator Guide.docx Instructor Notes .docx 11/14/2023 27.6 KB 304
Developing your research pitch-02- Slides for facilitators.pptx Presentation .pptx 11/14/2023 1.7 MB 276
Developing your research pitch-03- Slide Workbook for students.pptx Activity / Handout .pptx 11/14/2023 61.1 KB 284
Developing your research pitch-04- Handout 1 - Activity 3 Scenario cards.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 22.8 KB 282
Developing your research pitch-05- Handout 2 - Activity 4 Rubric.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 21.5 KB 268
Developing your research pitch-06-Pitch References.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 17.2 KB 293
This folder contains all student and instructor materials for the workshop "Using EM to Drive Effective Data Visualization", including the introductory video.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Intro Video: Data Visualization Video 10/9/2023 -  
Using EM to Drive Effective Data Visualization - Instructor Guide.docx Instructor Notes .docx 11/14/2023 22.1 KB 278
Using EM to Drive Effective Data Visualization - instructor slides.pptx Presentation .pptx 11/14/2023 1.4 MB 321
Using EM to Drive Effective Data Visualization - Student Resources.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 20.2 KB 290
Using EM to Drive Effective Data Visualization - student slides.pptx Activity / Handout .pptx 11/14/2023 44.7 KB 279
This folder contains all student and instructor materials for the workshop "Maximizing the Impact of Your Research", including the introductory video.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Intro Video: Maximizing the impact of your research Video 10/9/2023 -  
Maximizing the impact of your research - Instructor Guide.docx Instructor Notes .docx 11/14/2023 197.7 KB 281
Maximizing the impact of your research - instructor slides.pptx Presentation .pptx 11/14/2023 2.7 MB 309
Maximizing the impact of your research - Student Resources.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 195.6 KB 299
Maximizing the impact of your research - student slides.pptx Activity / Handout .pptx 11/14/2023 45.6 KB 284
Dissemination Plan Template.docx Activity / Handout .docx 11/14/2023 20.2 KB 284
Ten Simple Rules for Innovative Dissemination of Research.pdf Journal / Article .pdf 11/14/2023 802.2 KB 318
This folder contains the full list of questions for our student self-assessment survey, including both the post survey and the one-year follow-up survey.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Undergraduate Research Training Survey Assessment / Rubric .docx 11/14/2023 38.3 KB 293
List of relevant publications and references.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Development of entrepreneurial mindset-driven training materials for undergraduate researchers Journal / Article .pdf 10/30/2023 1.1 MB 300
Work-In-Progress: Early Student Exposure to an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Engineering Research Journal / Article .pdf 10/30/2023 856.2 KB 282
Undergraduate students are the “secret sauce” to help research programs be successful Journal / Article .pdf 10/30/2023 894.2 KB 288