Although there has been a considerable increase in entrepreneurially-minded learning (EML) within engineering education, assessment of EM may still be challenging. Concept maps (cmaps) are a direct assessment method that can provide a snapshot of students’ conceptual understanding of EM, and a number of other complex engineering topics. A cmap provides a visual representation of an individual’s understanding of a topic through the use of nodes (concepts) and links (connections between concepts).
This research-based toolkit provides an introduction to designing concept map assignments and scoring the cmaps to assess EML in your undergraduate engineering courses. The toolkit includes short videos, instructional guides for instructors and students, case studies, and templates that (1) introduce concept maps as an EML teaching and learning tool, (2) illustrate four types of concept map activities, (3) demonstrate multiple concept map scoring approaches, and (4) share lessons learned from implementing EM concept maps in different types of engineering courses (e.g., statics, first-year design, technical writing elective) across five different institutions.
The modules and resources, including the introductory video below, are available on the EM Concept Map Toolkit site.
Download the CmapTools (TM) software or mobile app to your tablet or laptop. Then you can practice with the software during the learning modules.
Or, you can complete all of the learning activities with hand-drawn concept maps (or a different software of your choice) and the example files provided in the toolkit.
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UsingToolkitv1.0.png | Other | .png | 1/26/2023 | 1.1 MB | 1207 |