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General Card #3080
Creating micromoments to develop a student’s entrepreneurial mindset
Updated: 6/23/2023 11:07 AM by Becky Benishek
To help busy faculty to implement EML, we created 25 micromoment activities that incorporate the 3C’s and are adaptable to any course.

When we first started implementing the UNC KEEN Faculty Learning Community in 2019, we found that the available resources emphasized large-scale project-based activities. As the first step for faculty when implementing EML, these projects can be discouraging because they require several weeks of class time, and faculty feel they have less time to deliver content. After creating implementation guides with a list of strategies and examples based on existing KEEN materials, we knew it wasn’t enough. As an initial step, we asked faculty to try small-scale EML activities that can be completed in 2-30 minutes. What a colleague coined “micromoment activities.” To help busy faculty implement EML, we wanted to provide small easy steps to ease them into the process. But, we found that it took too much time for faculty to create their own micromoment activities from existing materials. 

We then created a set of 25 EML activities that incorporate the 3C’s, are adaptable to any course, and could be implemented in 2-30 minutes. Seven activities were piloted with nine faculty members and 247 students from eight institutions. These faculty were tenured and teaching track, as well as clinical faculty. Faculty had a range of experience of 1-5 yrs., 6-10 yrs., and 11-15 yrs. Preliminary results of the activity are described in an ASEE WIP paper, which is attached to this card.

Learning Objectives

Our hypothesis is that these “micromoment activities” will help students develop their entrepreneurial mindset while requiring minimal preparation and class time. This will encourage faculty to become more comfortable and confident with this approach, which will help to sustain pedagogical change and promote more extensive and frequent implementation. Most importantly, students will have more opportunities for engaging learning experiences to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

Instructor Tips

These are all stepping stones for larger implementations. Each activity is connected to a KEEN Card or resource. We encourage you to continue integrating more EML and activities into your curriculum.

  • Demonstrate constant curiosity about our changing world
  • Explore a contrarian view of accepted solution
  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
  • Assess and manage risk
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
  • Persist through and learn from failure
Categories & Tags
  • Engineering Unleashed Resources
  • Professional Learning
  • Engineering Education
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