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Classroom Card #4474
Use of Role-play and Project-Based Learning in a 3D Game Design Course
Updated: 10/24/2024 2:48 PM by Bruce Maxim
Reviewed: 10/17/2024 7:44 PM by Ajmal Khan
This card describes the use of team role-play activities to simulate the experience of working in a professional, game development studio.

CIS 488 meets one day a week for 3 hours over a fifteen-week semester and contains a semester-long role-play in which the students function as the employees of a struggling game company. Student teams deliver three incremental 3D game prototypes. The role-play serves as backstory to provide context for project-based activities. The activities are often small group game design studio activities or solving problems that might arise in the business of game development. Students write reflections on the weekly activities. Project teams consist of both In-person and online team members who exchange information outside of class meeting times. A gamification and badging system are introduced in this course, along with peer review and peer evaluation.


The class activity worksheets and rubrics appear as an attachment folder

The project assignments and rubrics appear in an attachment folder

Access to 3D game engine such as Unreal or Unity would be desirable

Access to a version control package like GetHub would be desireable

Software engineering (agile software processes) and Game Design (use of game engines)

The sequence of the role-play activities is defined by the documents in the card attachment folders:. For additional personal insights see the three papers listed in the card reference list.

  • Class1 – Role-play overview (week 1)
  • Project1 – Game Pitch Creation (week2 )
  • Class2 – Game One Page and Process Definition (week 3)
  • Project2 – Game Design Document (week 5)
  • Class3 –  Storyboard and Elevator Pitch (week 6)
  • Class4 –  Contract Dispute (week 7)
  • Project3 – Alpha Prototype (week 8)
  • Class5 –  Alpha Scrum Retrospective (week 9)
  • Class6 – Security Breech (week 10)
  • Project4 – Beta Prototype (week 11)
  • Class7 – Sequel Definition (week 12)
  • Class8 – Marketing Video Creation (week 13)
  • Project7 – Game Marketing Video (week 14)
  • Project6 – Gold Release Prototype (week 15)
  • Explore a contrarian view of accepted solution
  • Assess and manage risk
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
  • Persist through and learn from failure
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