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University of Notre Dame
I'm the Director of the First-Year Engineering Program at Notre Dame, which includes two different engineering courses, approximately 500 students, a seven - to eight-person instructor staff, and over a dozen student assistants. I also work with the Admissions Department on programming for prospective and admitted students.
Lehigh University
Florida Institute of Technology
Grambling State University
The George Washington University
Montana State University
As a Professor at the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship at Montana State University, my research primarily involves applying diverse statistical methods to examine the challenges confronting nascent entrepreneurs. This work encompasses an exploration of public policies, including minimum wages, health insurance, economic freedom, and government regulation, as well as delving into aspects of entrepreneurial passion, mindset, team composition, networks, and information sources.
The University of Texas at Tyler
Lehigh University
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Tulane University
University of Southern Indiana
Arizona State University
Amy Trowbridge is an Associate Teaching Professor and co-Director of the Grand Challenges Scholars Program in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). Her teaching focuses primarily on first year engineering students, and she is interested in curricular and co-curricular experiences that broaden students’ perspectives and enhance student learning. Amy has been involved in KEEN since ASU joined, and was recognized as the 2019 KEEN Rising Star for her efforts in inspiring students' development of entrepreneurial mindset. She has also been involved in KEEN as a Community Catalyst (2024).
Arizona State University
Ari Faye is a Communications + Event Assistant with the ASU Kern Grant. She works closely with the Entrepreneurial Catalyst team and the Grand Challenge Scholars Program initiatives, as part of the institutionalization focus of the project. In addition to her work with KEEN and her coursework with ASU, she is a member of the ASU Polytechnic chapter of AIGA and is a Graphic Design Officer for the Polytechnic Photography Club.
North Carolina State University
I am a Teaching Professor at NC State University. My teaching is limited (by my choice) to Statics: this has allowed me a focus which is rare in academia. I began teaching in 2005 and started researching engineering education in 2006 when I realized I really didn't know how to teach. Engineering works best when we start from what the goal is. I believe our shared goal is to ensure that students master the technical knowledge and skills to fulfill their destiny as engineers. Though I cannot see what my students will need in the future, I try to connect what they learn from me to the physical world. I teach a flipped, active class. My materials online include short concept videos, example videos, quizzes, full class-notes, message boards, and gamification for engagement. In-class time includes demonstrations, student-response, and teamwork built on Scale-Up principles. I teach more almost 600 students per year. I have reduced the drop-withdrawal-failure rate from ~25% to ~18% (at least prepandemic!) I am currently exploring how to make the materials I have produced open-source. I am active in ASEE at both the national (Mechanical Engineering Division and the Mechanics Division) and regional levels (Southeastern Section.) I am the Campus Rep for my university. I got involved with Engineering Unleashed in 2020.
Pennsylvania State University
Clemson University
Rochester Institute of Technology
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